Upgrade business processes to take advantage of advances in internet, web, social networking, and mobile technologies. → read more
CUSTOM DATABASE solutions that support your specific BUSINESS needs. → read more
Upgrading database environment to the latest version of Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Open Source MySQL software. → read more
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT solutions for popular database technologies including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Open Source MySQL. → read more
Administration, monitoring, and troubleshooting solutions for popular database technologies including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Open Source MySQL. → read more
SalesForce CRM is an online web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service Salesforce.com. → read more
Software Application Development and Maintenance is a part of our Core activity. → read more
We are offering a one-stop-shop for most, if not all, of your architecture requirements. → read more
Robotic process automation (RPA) is an emerging form of clerical process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers. → read more
United Technologies Database Consultants on an average have over fifteen years of experience helping businesses with DATABASE SOFTWARE selection, PROJECT MANAGEMENT , implementation and maintenance of various database solutions.
As an experienced IT Consulting firm, our team possess the business process expertise and technology expertise required to architect database solutions for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Financial Reporting, CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM), CRO CLINICAL TRIAL Management System (CTMS), Content Management Systems (CMS), Business Intelligence, Human Resource, internet enabled database solution, and mobile APPLICATIONS.
With offices in India, United Technologies Database Consulting team has handled complex IT projects including installation, configuration, design, and architecture of large databases for Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) applications implementation, customized software DEVELOPMENT , technology upgrades, and global offshore development projects. Our skilled Database Consulting team has developed customized DATABASE SOFTWARE applications using Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and MySQL.